Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Why none of the winning strategies on ForexFactory works for me?

You might have asked yourself a few times.

Well, strategies are born from an idea, an opinion. And we all know that “

Opinions are like assholes…everyone has one”.

Long story short. A forex trading strategy will serve the trader who designed it and maybe… just maybe a few other disciplined enough (or brainwashed, sometimes) to follow it without questioning. That’s because trading is a little more of a mental game than you may think.

Your perfect strategy has to be one built by you, for you. It must suit you and your way of thinking/trading. That’s why professional traders always say to stick to a strategy and improve it.

It is better to just pick a strategy, anyone, and try to adapt it for you… even if the result will be completely different, instead of changing your forex trading strategy every week.

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